My first solo outing made during 1996-97. After the Mothgods broke up i decided to throw this together. Mainly consists of slower brooding songs, some of which are pretty long... 'Show me' clocks in at about 11mins. The guitars for that one were recorded by myself and Alan Cameron on a cassette deck as an improvised jam. The rest of the music was overdubbed months later. Vocals by me and Matt Alien after drinking a bottle of bourbon. You can actually hear Matt eating corn chips in the background of that song! ha.
Some of the other songs have stories too but that's enough blab for now.
Mostly recorded on my Teac A3340 reel to reel.
What a beast....
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gjywz3zdym2
Album artwork: http://www.mediafire.com/?4r88ct09xeomcag